
Monday, April 18, 2011

Deasy’s Delusional Agenda

On his first day on the job, Los Angeles Unified School District’s new superintendent, John Deasy, promised to raise graduation rates from 55% to 70%, double the percentage of secondary school students scoring “proficient” in math, and triple the percentage of students who pass the prerequisite courses necessary for attending a state university, the Los Angeles Times reported this weekend. The superintendent made these outlandish claims in the wake of a record budget deficit, a shortened school year due to furloughs, mass teacher layoffs and generalized disruption and malfunction of LAUSD. Police in the audience were ready with a breathalyzer and contemplated arresting the superintendent for public intoxication.

Deasy, however, was not satisfied simply setting absurd goals, going on to say that he should be held accountable if he fails to meet these goals. It unclear, however, who, if anyone, would hold the superintendent accountable. Board member Yolie Flores thought that Deasy’s goals were reasonable, while Mayor Villaraigosa also seemed to believe the superintendent.

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