
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

American Plutocracy: Millionaire Murderer Buys His Freedom

Plutocracy: “Rule by the wealthy or power provided by wealth.”

Democracy Now had a headline today about Ryan Levin, a Chicago millionaire who bought his way out of jail despite being found guilty of killing two British citizens in a hit-and-run accident in Florida. Levin faced up to 30 years in jail for two counts of vehicular homicide and fleeing an accident scene. This was not his first hit and run offense. He also ran over a Chicago cop in 2006.

Levin, who got out of the jail sentence by paying an undisclosed settlement to the widows of his victims, was still sentenced to two years house arrest and 10 years probation. He could still be extradited to Illinois for violating his parole in the cop incident.

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