
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Today in Labor History—April 25

April 25, 1886 The New York Times called the eight-hour workday movement "un-American" calling the public demonstrations "labor disturbances brought about by foreigners." The ruling elite created a hysteria about how the eight-hour day would ruin our economy and culture, much like they are doing today with respect to unions, teachers and collective bargaining. Other media prophesied that the eight-hour day would cause "loafing and gambling, rioting, debauchery and drunkenness." (From Workday Minnesota)

April 25, 1945 – The founding conference of United Nations began in San Francisco, California. (From the Daily Bleed)

April 25, 1974 – The Armed Forces Movement (MFA - Movimento das Forças Armadas) began its Revolt against the Portuguese dictatorship. Known as the Revolução dos Cravos ("Carnation Revolution"), the uprising ended the 48-year military dictatorship. (From the Daily Bleed)

April 25, 1993 – Over one million marched in Washington, D.C., for gay, lesbian, bisexual, & transgender rights. (From the Daily Bleed)

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