Sunday, April 17, 2011

Today in Labor History: April 17

Richmond, VA Bread Riot
April 17, 1864 –Bread riots in Savannah, Georgia. (From the Daily Bleed) The Civil War had been going on for several years. Soldiers were deserting, particularly working class conscripts. Those that remained were hungry and eating/stealing whatever food could be found, creating food shortages for all but the most well off residents, precipitating food riots throughout the south, particularly by poor women. (From Not Even Past)

April 17, 1912 –Miners struck at the Lena gold fields in eastern Siberia to protest terrible working & living conditions. Strike leaders were arrested and troops fired on a peaceful strikers’ march, killing over 200. (From the Daily Bleed)

April 17, 1968—One-third of the Duke University student body struck against racial discrimination in hiring (From the Daily Bleed)

April 17, 1968—Police clashed with 2,000 landless peasants in Brazil, killing 19 & wounding 69. 156 officers were eventually indicted for the killings, with only three facing trial & all acquitted. Throughout the 1990s, over 1,000 Brazilians were killed in similar land disputes. (From the Daily Bleed)

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