“Experience and degrees
don’t matter in the classroom nearly so much as mastery of science and math and
some plain old smarts,” (Pat
Wingert, Scientific American,
August 2012).
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Image from Flickr, by IrisDragon |
Scientific American
generally does a pretty good job of presenting exciting new discoveries in a
clear and accurate manner. However, Pat Wingert’s piece, “Building
a Better Science Teacher,” falls far short. In fact, it is outright embarrassing
for its shoddy science and journalism.
To start with, her lead paragraph contains a math error.
While I am happy to write this off as a typo, brain fart or slip up by the
editors, a first impression often sets a negative tone for what follows—in this
case, more of the usual education reform nonsense.
Let’s examine the above quote concerning experience versus “mastery
of science.” Few teachers begin their careers with a mastery of every aspect of
the content standards. The standards for some disciplines (e.g., life science)
are so broad that it is impossible to master all of them. Consider that even a
tenured professor in cell biology is unlikely to also have mastery of ecology,
evolution and the nervous system (though he or she likely has a broad, general
knowledge of them). Yet a high school biology teacher is expected to master
each of these subjects sufficiently to not only teach the facts, but to
identify the prerequisite knowledge necessary for teenagers to understand them
and ensure that his or her students have mastered this, too.
It is through experience, not mastery, that teachers learn
where their students tend to struggle and where they will need additional support
and background knowledge. This forces a reflective teacher to not only learn
that material more deeply, but to figure out how to make it more tangible and
accessible to her students. Furthermore, an experienced teacher can quickly
master new content, as I have had to do on numerous occasions when asked to
teach a course I have never taught. An experienced teacher also develops the
ability to make that science exciting and fun for children. She learns how to identify
their particular academic strengths and weaknesses, manage their behavior,
design engaging and meaningful lessons and lab activities, write good exams, and
deal with the often conflicting demands of administrators, colleagues and
parents. Mastery of science has little to do with these teaching responsibilities.
Wingert, like many who write about education reform, has
identified a school (Troy Prep in New York) that has high science and math test
scores on standardized exams despite having a predominantly lower income
student body, and she uses this anecdotal example to draw the conclusion that
Troy Prep has somehow found the magic formula that has eluded other low income
schools in the country.
From a scientific point of view her example might be called
intriguing and worth exploring, but certainly nothing close to compelling. Troy
Prep is merely one example. In science, we need to have a statistically
significant number of examples with similar results before we start getting
excited. One reason for this standard is that the result might be coincidental.
Her article provides no evidence of why their test scores are high or even if
they have the ability to maintain those high scores. Troy Prep could have
higher test scores for reasons that have nothing to do with teachers’ skill,
experience or “smarts.” For example, it might attract a higher than normal
percentage of students who have an interest in science and math or who have
families that are more involved in their children’s education. They might receive
more funding and support from philanthropists with STEM backgrounds. They might
even push out students who tend to score lower on standardized tests.
Even if the school has
found a legitimate and reproducible way to boost test scores, this is not
evidence that its students are learning more science or learning it better. Most
standardized science tests assess students’ knowledge of basic facts, like the
role of mitochondria or their ability to translate DNA sequences into amino
acid sequences, not mastery of the scientific process. The tests do not assess the
ability to design a controlled experiment or critique the merits of an
experimental design. Students are not expected to generate original data or
draw logical conclusions from that data. Furthermore, most of the things that are tested can be taught through rote
memorization and pen and pencil simulations and do not require that students engage
in authentic science. The consequence is that even students who do well on
standardized exams are not necessarily prepared to think scientifically or to explain
why a particular scientific explanation is valid (or not).
Wingert makes another common error by drawing conclusions from
a statistic that are not supported by that statistic. In this case, she uses
Eric Hanushek’s claim that highly effective teachers make about three times the
academic gains of those with less talented teachers, regardless of students’ socioeconomic
backgrounds, to support her argument that a “good teacher trumps such factors
as socioeconomic status, class size, curriculum design and parents’ educational
While it stands to reason that a good teacher will have more
success with her students than a mediocre one, it does not necessarily follow
that she will be able to overcome the effects of poverty or that she will be
effective with all of her students. For
example, her classes might get better overall test scores than those of her
mediocre peer, yet she could still have a significant number of students who do
poorly on the tests because they are reading far below grade level, have too
many absences, do not do homework or have trouble focusing for extended periods
of time—all problems that are more common among lower income students.
Numerous studies have found that an achievement gaps exists before
children even begin school (see here, here and here)
and that it tends to grow over time. Poor children may come to school hungry or
malnourished, which affects their ability to concentrate. They tend to miss
far more school than their more affluent peers because of lack of health
insurance, which decreases the chances they will graduate on time. Poor
children have higher rates of lead poisoning, iron deficiency anemia, low birth
weights and other health issues that can lead to learning disabilities or
cognitive impairment. And they suffer more familial stress which can lead to
chronically higher levels of cortisol
in the blood, which some researchers suggest can impair memory and learning.
Furthermore, lower income children have less access to enriching
extracurricular activities after school and during the summers that contribute
to the academic growth of their more affluent peers. Children who fall behind
their peers, particularly in math and reading, tend to fall behind in other
subjects as a result. Many lose self-confidence and self-efficacy and, as a
result, tune out or give up on school.
Mastery of science content does not make a teacher better
able to address these seemingly intractable problems, though it certainly could
make the teacher better able to design authentic science lab activities for
those students who have the requisite skills to benefit from such curriculum.
Experience, on the other hand, is far more likely to help a teacher serve the
diverse needs of today’s classroom. For example, experience not only helps a
teacher learn to recognize when a student is losing focus or misbehaving
because of hunger, pain or familial stress, but also to develop strategies for
helping that student survive in the classroom.
It would behoove Wingert to not only pay closer attention to
the logic (or illogic) of her arguments, but to also look more closely at the
breadth of work of those she cites. Eric Hanushek (whom she quotes to support
her claim that teacher expertise trumps socioeconomic status), also said that less than 10% of students’
academic success is attributable to teacher quality and the rest was due to
other factors, including students’ socioeconomic status.
Wingert also makes a number of interesting claims without
providing any citations, which is frustrating for those of us who would like to
read the studies. However, it also draws into question the validity of her
claims. For example, she says that “several studies indicate higher math
achievement among students whose teachers hold an advanced degree in math,” yet
she does not identify any of these studies or their authors.
Nevertheless, it does seem likely that a more in-depth
training in their disciplines would benefit teachers in concrete ways. For
example, one would expect them to be better able to answer students’ questions,
make connections to current research trends and discoveries, and to design more
authentic science activities.
Yet even if advanced training does improve the quality of
teaching, one must consider whether the costs are worth it. Requiring advanced
degrees for math and science teachers would also require significantly higher
pay and probably greater autonomy and academic freedom, too. Anything short of
this and those highly trained scientists and mathematicians will go to work in
academia or private industry where they could make a lot more money and have a
significantly higher social status, with a lot less of the aggravation. As it
stands, too many teachers from all disciplines leave the profession because of
dissatisfaction with the overwhelming and often unreasonable demands, low
status and pay.
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Huck/Konopacki Labor Cartoons |
Of course there are many out there who would argue, “Yes, it
is worth it—anything to improve our schools!” But these same “reformers” seem
to have no interest in increasing taxes to a level that would permit ample
funding of our schools or provide the services and support that would shrink
the wealth gap or give lower income children some of the same developmental
advantages that affluent families take for granted.
There are numerous reforms that would probably give more
bang for the buck than requiring higher degrees for teachers. For example, many
districts, in response to the harsh punishments of NCLB, have slashed science
curriculum in the k-5 grades in order to create more space for test prep. As a
result, many kids now receive little or no science education prior to middle
school. Thus, ending NCLB and the testing mania that has decimated education
over the past decade seem like the cheapest and most expedient ways to improve
science education and achievement.
Other relatively inexpensive reforms include requiring preschool
or head start, particularly for lower income children, as it would help close
the achievement gap before kids start school and improve their chances of being
academically ready for science. Likewise, state-funded summer school could help
shrink the achievement gap that typically occurs during the summer.
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